

Quantitative and temporal approach to utilising electronic medical records from general practices in mental health prediction – Computers in Biology and Medicine (2020)

Olga Półchłopek, Nynke R. Koning, Frederike L. Büchner, Mathilde R. Crone, Mattijs E. Numans, Mark Hoogendoorn.

Exploring food insecurity and obesity in Dutch disadvantaged neighborhoods: a cross-sectional mediation analysis (2020)

Laura A. van der Velde, Claire J. Nyns, Marije D. Engel, Judith E. Neter, Irene M. van der Meer, Mattijs E. Numans, Jessica C. Kiefte-de Jong.

The interplay between fast-food outlet exposure, household food insecurity and diet quality in disadvantaged districts – Public Health Nutrition (2020)

Laura A. van der Velde, Femke M.P. Zitman, Joreintje D. Mackenbach, Mattijs E. Numans, Jessica C. Kiefte-de Jong.

Serological response to three alternative series of hepatitis B revaccination (Fendrix, Twinrix, and HBVaxPro-40) in healthy non-responders: a multicentre, open-label, randomised, controlled, superiority trial (2019)

Stijn F.H. Raven, Christian J.P.A. Hoebe, Ann C.T.M. Vossen, Leo G. Vissere, Jeannine L.A. Hautvast, Anna H.E. Roukens, Jim E. van Steenbergen.

Identification of children at risk for mental health problems in primary care – Development of a prediction model with routine health care data (2019)

Nynke R. Koning, Frederike L. Büchnera, Robert R.J.M. Vermeiren, Mathilde R. Crone, Mattijs E. Numans.

Wijkprofiel Den Haag Zuidwest (2019)

Gemeente Den Haag.

Wijkprofiel Alphen Noord (2019)

Gemeente Alphen aan den Rijn.

Wijkprofiel Stevenshof Vitaal (2019)

Gemeente Leiden, Zorg en Zekerheid.

Factors associated with the identification of child mental health problems in primary care – a systematic review (2019)

Nynke R. Koning, Frederike L. Büchner, Marjolein E.A. Verbiest, Robert R.J.M. Vermeiren, Mattijs E. Numans, Mathilde R. Crone.

Needs and perceptions regarding healthy eating among people at risk of food insecurity: a qualitative analysis (2019)

Laura A. van der Velde, Linde A. Schuilenburg, Jyothi K. Thrivikraman, Mattijs E. Numans, Jessica C. Kiefte-de Jong.

Pregnant women at increased risk of adverse perinatal outcomes: A combination of less healthy behaviors and adverse psychosocial and socio-economic circumstances (2019)

Mathilde R. Crone, Nathalie Luurssen-Masurel, Birgit S. Bruinsma-van Zwicht, Jan M.M. van Lith, Marlies E.B. Rijnders.

Workshop Presentatie ‘Over de schutting’ (2018)

Mathilde R. Crone, Nynke R. Koning, Lennard van Venrooij.

Samenwerking tussen huisarts en jeugdarts. Ruimte voor verbetering – NTvG (2018)

Nynke R. Koning, Linda M.M. van der Schriek, Merel J. van der Kooij, Frederike L. Büchner, Jeroen A. de Wilde, Mattijs E. Numans, Mathilde R. Crone.

Onzichtbare honger? Voedselonzekerheid in de Haagse Krachtwijken – Epidemiologisch Bulletin (2018)

Laura A. van der Velde, Mattijs E. Numans, Jessica C. Kiefte-de Jong, Barend J.C. Middelkoop.

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